CALL FOR PAPERS – The 1st Annual Conference of Asia ESP – 2017
Conference Theme: Innovating ESP, Bridging Asia
Conference Time: 27-29 October 2017
Conference Venue: International Convention Centre of Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, Daxing District, Beijing, China
Conference Working Language: English
Keynote Speakers:
Christine Feak, Co-Editor of English for Specific Purposes, University of Michigan
Hajime Terauchi, Dean of Faculty of Commerce of Takachiho University, Japan; President of the JACET (Japan Association of College English Teachers)
Ken Hyland, Director of Centre for Applied English Studies and Chair of Applied Linguistics, The University of Hong Kong; Co-Editor of Journal of English for Academic Purposes
Conference Goals:
To innovate the theory, practice and methodology for ESP research among Asian countries and areas;
To promote communication and enhance cooperation on ESP research and pedagogy across cultures;
To provide ESP scholars, educators and practitioners with opportunities to interact, network and benefit from each other’s research and expertise in an age of increasing globalization and digitalization.
Topic Areas:
- Curriculum and course design
- Materials design and writing
- Teaching and learning approaches and methods
- Innovations in research and instruction
- Teacher development
- Testing, assessment and evaluation
- English teaching and research for general and specific academic and occupational purposes in domains of EST, EBP, ELP, EMP, e
- Intercultural communication in ESP contexts
- Corpus Linguistics and Data-Driven Instruction (DDI) for ESP
- Educational technology, e.g. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), e-learning
- English as a medium of instruction (EMI)
- Other ESP related topics
Guidelines for Submissions:
Abstracts, panel or workshop proposals may be accepted.
Abstract, 200-400 words in English, including positions, affiliations, email addresses and mailing addresses for all authors.
Panel proposals reflecting the conference theme may be submitted. All panel proposals should provide a 300-word rationale and a 100-200 word abstract of each panelist’s paper, including affiliation and email address for each panelist.
Workshop proposals relevant to the conference theme may be submitted. Proposals should be 3-5 pages in length, single-spaced.
Key Dates
End of Abstract Submission: 10 June 2017
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: 20 June 2017
End of Early Bird Registration: 30 August 2017
Abstract Submission and Conference Registration:
Conference Enquiry:
Conference Host: School of ESP, Beijing Foreign Studies University
Conference Co-organizers: Asia ESP, Chinese Association of ESP, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, Chinese Journal of ESP
Supporting Organizations: Korea ESP, JACET ESP Kanto