Join webinar: Eye Tracking for Translation Process Research

The application of eye tracking technology for Translation Process Research enables researchers to assess the translator’s performance, cognitive processes and attention allocation during source text (ST) understanding and/or target text (TT) production.

The purpose of the webinar is to provide attendees with a set of guidelines on how to setup a study with eye tracking paradigms in Translation Process Research. We will learn what parameters we should pay particular attention to when designing a study and how eye tracking statistics from fixation-based metrics, pupillometry to saccade-based measures in combination with other sensors (e.g., EEG, GSR) can enhance and strengthen findings.

In the second part of the webinar, we will learn how eye tracking can be integrated with Translog software and how the collected data can be subsequently analyzed in SMI BeGaze Analysis software. A case study will be presented to explain the integration of eye tracking and Translog in the translation process research context.


This webinar will be hosted by Paulina Burczyńska of SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI).

As a PhD candidate at the University of Manchester, she uses eye tracking to study, among other things, gaze behavior while watching subtitled films.

At work, she talks to researchers from all strands of linguistics including developmental linguistics, psycholinguistics and reading studies.